The first transgender nurse in Israel
Hebrew, Arabic
The talk presents Maya's life story as a trans person, the many hats that she wears: taking difficult experiences and rolling them into a success, how to be a personal example and imitation model for others and how much responsibility we have, as a society, for the next generations.
Maya will walk her audience through sex and gender terms, she'll talk about how to identify the right time for the right act: The process of gender adjustment in Israel, what it includes, and what are the main challenges; Presenting tools she developed and collected during her life from the many conflicts she had to deal with.
Maya Orabi
Maya is the first transgender nurse in Israel, with a bachelor's degree in nursing and a master's degree in health systems management. A social activist over 5 years around transgender issues: Active in the Gila project for trans empowerment; Established the Keshet Gender Adaptation Clinic at Wolfson Medical Center; Active in the Alwan group for the LGBT+ in Arab society in Israel, under IGY organization; Accompany transgender people in the process of gender adjustment.